Scarp Road Section 6 - Del Park Rd to Oakley Dam

This week we ticked off another section of Scarp Road! Section 6 Del Park Rd to Oakley Dam.
We broke this section into two rides because it's a very strenuous section to pedal, featuring long, steep climbs and almost no sections of flat road for reprieve: 
  • Del Park Rd to North Spur Rd 296 metres elevation gain
  • North Spur Rd to Oakley Dam 165 metres elevation gain
Crossing the mine conveyor bridge

Wattle is beginning to bloom!

Oakley Dam scenic viewpoint

Oakley Dam is quite small but fabulous!

The forest is lovely and Scarp Rd is very quiet.

It's chilly in the shade though!

This section is incredibly strenuous! 

Oakley Dam is quite picturesque.
Oakley is the smallest dam I've ever seen! So cute. 
Here's some info about why it was built: 
So next week (hopefully, weather permitting) we'll move on to section seven - Pinjarra Williams Road to Oakley Dam turnoff. 
