Phantom Canyon Road - top 7 miles

 We tackled the top 7 miles of Phantom Canyon Road!

We did it in day trip, it was three hours drive from home to the beginning of Phantom Canyon Road near Victor with a brief stop for lunch at a bakery in Victor
The scenery was delightful.
There were some cars on the road but not many despite it being the Labor Day long weekend. 
Because the road is dirt the cars were all driving at safe slow speeds.
We descended about 1700 feet from our parking spot. We were planning to descend 1000ft but the altimeters on both our Garmin watches were inaccurate measures!!! We were surprised how much when we adjusted the data to use GPS coordinates later!
And it was 93*f when we started riding!
So I stopped a lot on the climb back up!
There wasn't much shade in the middle of the day!
And I drank all my water and all Matt's!
At times I truly felt I had bitten off more than I could chew!
But perseverance is what challenge rides are all about!
I must admit we underestimated the temperature and thought it would be a little cooler at 8000 to 9000 feet. It was not 🤣🥵
But that scenery!!!
It was a relief to get back to the car and more fluids in the cooler! 

All up I did 14+miles and 1676 ft elevation gain, Matt did a little more because he rode back to the car the last mile or two out to get me more water 💦 💗👌

It was definitely a challenge in this pandemic year when my training has not been as consistent as most summers!

But at the end the feeling of accomplishment was worth it and we are eager to tackle the rest of the road in stages. 
